An app for backpackers

Create unforgettable adventures

Connect  · Plan · Explore

Connect with friends, create unforgettable moments.

· Scan a QR code to connect with friends
· Compare itineraries
· Manage your connections with easy delete

plan and create personalized travel adventures

· Easily drag and drop destinations
· Add dates for when you are traveling 
· Make notes with recommendations from fellow travellers

as you explore, craft your itinerary, and connect with new friends

· Mobile and Desktop responsive 
· Passwordless for easy access
· Map your locations and view of a live map

And there is even more to come...

Share itineries with friends and family

Genertae a link that can be password protected to send to friends or family so they can track trip with ease. Share as you travel or befoer you set off.  

Calendar view

We are making it extra easy to see your itinerary day on day, month on month. Planning the overivew trip couldn't be easier. Also extra easy to see when you and your connections are in the same place.

Share recommendations on cities

Genertae a link that can be password protected to send to friends or family so they can track trip with ease. Share as you travel or befoer you set off  

About Us

We are a small product team based in the UK. We put design at the heart of what we do and that is what makes our products great. Pushing boundries is important to us.

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